The EBS domain’s landing page displays the version of the software available to users. This is also visible in the left navigation menu. Each version may highlight new key features, improvements, bug fixes, or all three. You may refer to the log below for more information in each version.
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title | Experiment Manager (EM) |
Custom file exports are now enabled.You can now define which occurrence-level and plot-level data to include in your exported CSV file. The feature supports the option to download Metadata and Plot Data or Occurrence Data Collection files. The latter can be accessed in the EM data browser or by viewing the details of an occurrence. From the Basic tab, click the download button () and choose Occurrence Data Collection. The modal window for both files have the same functionalities. Let’s download the former as an example. From the EM data browser, select one or more occurrence. Click the download button () from the toolbar. Select Metadata and Plot Data from the drop-down menu. In the modal window, you can: View selected occurrence/s. All selected occurrences are displayed in the modal window for your reference. Occurrence names can be clicked if you want to view () more information about it.
Configure data format. In the Columns section, you can: Arrange data. Data categories are listed under Column Order. You can arrange these according to your preference, where the topmost data category becomes the leftmost data in the exported CSV file. Select data to download. Each data category has related data that you can choose to add to your CSV file. These are listed under Selected Columns. By default, all related data are included in the file. You can remove some of these in two ways: 1) click 'X' beside the data label, or 2) expand the data category to reveal a table where you can choose to show or hide related data by dragging and dropping them. You can also arrange the placement of related data to be displayed in the CSV file. Add or remove values. A icon is featured beside each related data. When the icon is highlighted in green, it means that all the values of that data will be downloaded. Otherwise, the cells under the data will be left blank.
Download your CSV file. Click Download to begin the background process. You may close the modal window and return to the EM data browser. A notification () will be provided once the file is ready to be downloaded. Click the notification message to download the file.
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View the full demo here. |
Management of occurrences is improved.The following enhanced features are implemented for this version: Exporting >1000 plots is now delegated to the background. From the EM data browser, click the location of an occurrence and open the Plot tab. If you have >1,000 plots to export, the current version prepares the plot list in the background. Click the notification () to download the file on your device.
Updated experiment and occurrence statuses. When all occurrences have the status of in the EM data browser, the same status is reflected for the experiment in the EC data browser. The status will also be hidden in the EM data browser after an occurrence’s plots are .
Bug fixesYou can proceed to encounter no errors when: selecting all occurrences left after sorting, and selecting all plots left after filtering.
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title | Data Collection (DC) |
Download features are enhanced.This version provides the following improvements surrounding the download feature: New DC file exports for cross lists. In the Cross Manager (CM) tool, new DC files are now available for cross lists with the status Status |
colour | Blue |
title | cross list specified |
| and Status |
colour | Green |
title | FINALIZED |
| . You can see three (3) file options when you click the download () icon on the CM data browser: Test Cross Interface 1, Test Cross Interface 2, and Test Cross Interface 3. These contain specific variables that depend on your profile’s EBS access: Global (Admin), Program-specific, or Role-specific (Collaborator).
Preserved trait order. The order of selected traits is maintained when you download your trait data collection (.trt) files. This is applicable when downloading the file from Experiment Creation, Experiment Manager, and List Manager.
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View the full demo here. |
Exporting >1000 plot dataset is now delegated to the background. When you click Download Dataset in the Complete Transaction tab of the Quality Control (QC) page, a transaction with <1,000 plot records is immediately downloaded on your device. On the other hand, downloading >1,000 plot records is handled in the background. A notification () will be provided once the file is ready to be downloaded. Click the notification message to download the file.
Bug fixesYou can now expect to encounter no errors when: viewing trait headers on all theme color settings, and using the bulk update feature in the Plot subtab of the QC page.
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title | Harvest Manager (HM) |
Additional harvests are now supported.You can now add harvest records onto previously harvested plots and crosses in EBS. This feature can be accessed in the Harvest Data tab. Select plots or crosses with a Status |
colour | Green |
title | Harvest complete |
| status and click the new Add Harvest () icon from the toolbar. A modal window appears to let you supply additional harvest data, which depend on the previous harvest method used:Bulk harvest + numbered harvest. This scenario lets you create new harvest records using numbered harvest methods. Select previously harvested plots/crosses that used the bulk method and create additional harvest records via the icon. In the modal window, provide the harvest date, numbered harvest method, and numeric variables. Proceed to the Creation tab and then to the Management tab to view the additional germplasm, seed, and package records.
Numbered harvest + bulk harvest. This scenario lets you create new harvest records using the bulk harvest method. Select previously harvested plots/crosses that used numbered harvest methods and create additional harvest records via the icon. In the modal window, provide the harvest date and choose Bulk. Proceed to the Creation tab and then to the Management tab to view the additional seed and package records. An additional germplasm may also be created depending on the germplasm state.
Numbered harvest + numbered harvest. This scenario lets you create new harvest records using numbered harvest methods. Select previously harvested plots/crosses that used numbered harvest methods and create additional harvest records via the icon. In the modal window, provide the harvest date, numbered harvest method, and numeric variables. Proceed to the Creation tab and then to the Management tab to view the additional germplasm, seed, and package records.
Unlike harvesting plots/crosses for the first time, there is no need to Commit and Create additional harvest records because these are created automatically. Additional harvests are also capped at a hundred records at each time. For your reference, a table is provided to show the supported numbered harvest methods in this version: Crop | Numbered Harvest - Plots | Numbered Harvest - Cross |
Maize | Individual Ear | N/A | Rice | Single Plant Selection | Single Seed Numbering | Wheat | Single Plant Selection, Individual Spike | N/A |
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View the full demo here. |
Management of harvest records was improved.This version enhances the management and use of resulting harvest records. Specifically, you can now: Arrange plot numbers in ascending order. In the Management tab, you can sort the plot records in ascending order for easier reference. Simply click on the Plot No. column header name once to follow an ascending order. While this will also arrange other associated plot data such as package labels, take notethat the sequence number at the end of package labels are generated per batch of harvest. Thus, package labels may not always be listed in ascending order even when the plot numbers are.
View notifications when deleting packages already used as entries. Package records are used as seed sources for experiments. The system now guards against deleting packages that were already used as entries via a modal window and a notification message.
Bug fixesYou can expect to encounter no error when: harvesting crosses using the hybrid formation method, and viewing the number of ears as you harvest.
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title | Experiment Creation (EC) |
File upload error messages are improved. In the Design tab of Breeding Trial experiments, you can now expect to see more informative error messages when you upload an invalid design files generated outside EBS. You can use these error descriptions to correct your design file accordingly.
Bug fixesYou can expect to encounter no errors when you generate another planting arrangement after reordering entries in the Entry tab of a Generation Nursery experiment. Also, the bugs causing unnecessary error messages to be displayed were fixed. |
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title | Experiment Manager (EM) |
From the EM data browser, click the Edit icon () beside any experiment to update its basic information. In the Experiment tab, you can now manually update the required fields of Experiment Name, Stage, Experiment Year, Evaluation Season, and Experiment Steward. Any changes made are automatically saved. 23.09 EM2.mp4
Filtered view of the EM data browser is enhanced.After filtering the experiments displayed in the EM data browser based on your preferences, the filtered view is now retained even after switching to another tool and logging out of Core Breeding. To reset the data browser, just click the refresh icon () from the toolbar or remove the filter. 23.09 EM4.mp4
Bug fixesYou can expect to encounter no errors when you: add or delete occurrences in an Observation experiment, delete the last occurrence of an experiment, which also correctly deletes the experiment, and access Printout templates based on the current program and tool used.
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Auto-generated cross list name is now supported.As you Create your cross list and provide the details in the Basic tab, the option to auto-generate cross list names are now provided via a toggle (). The auto-generated name follows this pattern: SITE-SEASON-YEAR-UNIQUE ID. Once all required fields are filled-out, the Next button is enabled. Previously, users were required to manually provide the cross list name. Related to this new feature are the following: Edit an auto-generated cross list name. Before you Finalize your cross list, you can still make changes to the auto-generated name. From the data browser, click the edit icon (). Then, update the auto-generated cross list name in the Basic Info tab. Intentional Crossing Nursery (ICN) cross list name. An ICN experiment created in the Experiment Creation (EC) tool is also displayed in the CM data browser. The ICN cross list name uses the experiment name, as saved in EC, which you can also update and edit. CM 23.09_A.mp4
Parent List data browser is improved. In the Review tab, the Parent List browser is enhanced with the a) personalize grid settings button (), b) refresh button (), c) pagination, and d) column sorting after the column name is clicked. CM 23.09_B.mp4
Features around cross list deletion is enhanced.When you delete () a cross list, notifications () are now provided for your reference. Notifications are prompted if the deletion is in queue or in progress. Additionally, all associated pollination and trait protocols are also deleted when you delete a cross list that has not been Status |
colour | Green |
title | finalized |
| yet.23.09 CM1.mp4
From the Add Parents tab, Data managers (DM) can now build the germplasm attributes file that can be downloaded by users. DMs may configure the file for the KE (maize) and IRSEA (rice) programs and users with collaborator roles.
Bug fixesYou can expect to encounter no errors when adding parents to a cross list. |
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title | Data Collection (DC) |
Mark trait values as missing in bulk.When validating your occurrence’s trait data in the Plot tab of the Quality Control (QC) page, the feature to change uploaded trait values to missing (NA) is now enabled. Select the values you want to update by ticking () the checkbox on their respective rows. From the toolbar, click the Bulk Update icon () to open the modal window. Here, you can select the Trait from the drop-down menu and tick () the NA checkbox. You can then proceed to mark trait data as missing for 1) selected or 2) all values of the trait. 23.09 DC1.mp4
Management of trait data is improved.The following enhanced features are implemented for this version: Download more informative trait data collection files. Users with Breeding Trial experiments using the Row-Column design can now download () trait data collection files that include columns for a) row block number and b) column block number. Sort data per column. This feature is available in the Plot subtab of the QC page. You can now sort individual trait columns by clicking on the column header name. The first click sorts data from low to high or A to Z, while the next one sorts it the other way around. In this version, you can only sort one trait column at a time. See the new transaction status. The new status is reflected on the DC data browser after successfully uploading a trait data collection file. Previously, a transaction status is shown for this process. 23.09 DC2.mp4
Bug fixesThe bugs causing errors in the following processes were fixed: applying multiple suppression rules to the same trait, and downloading accurate records.