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Experiments in EBS may consists of hundreds to thousands of entries and plots per occurrence. By generating codes, users can organize them for uniform listing of data and easy recall. Users can generate entry codes and plot codes from either the experiment or occurrence level.

Let’s get you started on generating codes!

Generate codes for one occurrence

1. In the experiment manager table, go to the row of your selected occurrence. 2. On the left side of the row, click (blue star).

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3. Click on Code Generation tab.

By clicking (blue star),

By default you will be directed


to the Occurrence tab.

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2. Click on Code Generation tab to to


start generating your entry/plot codes.

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43. You can generate codes for the selected occurrence or for the entire experiment. To do this, toggle (blue star) for Experiment or toggle (blue star) for Occurrence.

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54. You may choose to generate either Entry or Plot code patterns. Click one of the tabs to get started.

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entry code

entry/plot codes


For this example, we are creating entry codes on experiment level. The steps also apply when creating plot codes.

1. Click From the Code Generation tab, click Entry or Plot tab.

2. Edit the starting sequence number and leading zeroes.

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3. You can also add prefixes or suffixes to your entry codes. Refer to the drop-down below for steps for adding prefixes and suffixes.

titleAdd Prefix
  1. Click

Add Prefix.

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    1. Choose between

    Free Text or Variable.

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      1. If you click on Free Text, you will need to write your preferred prefix.

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        1. If you click on Variable, choose from the drop-down menu the variable you will use as prefix.

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          1. You may click

          (minus) to remove the prefix.

titleAdd Suffix
  1. Click

Add Suffix.

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    1. Choose between

    Free Text or Variable.

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      1. If you click on Free Text, you will need to write your preferred suffix.

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        1. If you click on Variable, choose from the drop-down menu the variable you will use as suffix.

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          1. You may click

          (minus) to remove the suffix.

4. Once done, click Save.

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4. Once done, click Save.

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Generate plot code

1. Click the Plot tab.

2. Edit the starting sequence number and leading zeroes.

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3. You can also add prefixes or suffixes to your plot codes. Refer to the drop-down below for steps for adding prefixes and suffixes.

titleAdd Prefix

1. Click Add Prefix.

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2. Choose between Free Text or Variable.

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3. If you click on Free Text, you will need to write your preferred prefix.

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4. If you click on Variable, choose from the drop-down menu the variable you will use as prefix.

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5. You may click (minus) to remove the prefix.

titleAdd Suffix

1. Click Add Suffix.

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2. Choose between Free Text or Variable.

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3. If you click on Free Text, you will need to write your preferred suffix.

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4. If you click on Variable, choose from the drop-down menu the variable you will use as suffix.

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5. You may click (minus) to remove the suffix.


You can also do the following steps when generating entry/plot codes for the selected occurrence. See the example below.

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Generate for multiple experiments or occurrences

You can also generate entry codes and plot codes for more than one experiments or occurrences. Take note that changes that will be made will reflect on the selected experiments or occurrences.

Generate multiple entry codes

1. In the Experiment Manager table, click the (blue star) of the occurrences.

2. Click (blue star) > Generate entry code. Choose between Experiment level or Occurrence level.

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codes on experiment level

1. From the Generate entry code, click on Experimental level. 2. If you select occurrences from two or more experiments, click the header of the experiment where you want to generate codes.

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32. Create your own entry code patterns. Refer to the section above for the steps in generating entry codes.

You can click apply to all occurrences to generate codes to all occurrences.

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43. Once done, click Save. Do this to other experiments.

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on occurrence level

1. From the Generate entry code, click on Occurrence level.

2. Create your own entry code patterns. Refer to the section above for the steps in generating entry codes.

3. Once done, click Save.

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Generate multiple plot codes

1. In the Experiment Manager table, click the (blue star) of the occurrences.

2. Click (blue star) > Generate plot code. Choose between Experiment level or Occurrence level.



on experiment level

1. From the Generate plot code, click on Experimental level. 2. If you select occurrences from two or more experiments, click the header of the experiment where you want to generate codes.

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32. Create your own plot code patterns. Refer to the section above for the steps in generating plot codes.

You can click apply to all occurrences to generate codes to all occurrences.

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43. Once done, click Save. Do this to other experiments.

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Generate in occurrence level

1. From the Generate plot code, click on Occurrence level.

2. Create your own plot code patterns. Refer to the section above for the steps in generating plot codes.

3. Once done, click Save.

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Great job! You have generated codes for your entries and plots. You may also update your existing protocols in Experiment Manager.